Brands & Retailers
Your customers know the problem, we have the solution
The message from UK shoppers is loud and clear; they want action on plastic packaging waste.
UK shoppers say plastic waste is an important issue to them personally
UK shoppers are actively taking steps to reduce their use of single-use plastic
UK shoppers already use solid food or liquid refill stations
UK shoppers who don't already use refill stations are receptive to the idea
Zero waste is the expectation
How Tenschul makes zero waste a reality
UK shoppers identify choice, availability, hygiene and inconvenience as barriers to adopting new zero waste shopping habits.
The Tenschul liquid vending system, LiquiVend®, enables fast, smart and hygienic refills for hundreds of liquid and wet food product lines.
By removing key barriers to adoption, we can help brands and retailers empower their customers to achieve their zero waste goals.

A Scalable Retail Solution
Install Anywhere
All you need to install each vending machine is a 2m x 1m floorspace, a conventional 240v plug socket, and a WiFi or LAN connection.
Replenish Effortlessly
Product is stored in a wheeled 'Roll up and load' storage unit which removes the need to lift bulk containers. Product changeover is a breeze thanks to the 'Quick connect' system.
Stock More Product
Each vending machine can be connected to 6 liquid or wet food products and has a total capacity of 180 litres (30 litres per product).
Connected & Data Rich
Live Product Status
WiFi and LAN connectivity allows for remote product monitoring using our web app. See exactly how much product is left in any vending machine, wherever it is in the world.
Invaluable User Insights
The data-rich web app gives brands and retailers valuable insights into consumer purchase habits; including purchase frequency, purchase quantities and the monetary value of transactions.
Remote Access POS
LCD screen displays promotions, product information or user guides. Remote access allows for instant promotional offer updates.